BMI Supply Design Competition and Exhibition
Suggested design categories: Scenic, Costume, Lighting, Make-up, Hair, Sound, Special Effects, Technical, Graphic
- November 16, 2025 for virtual entries
- November 19, 2025 for in-person entries to be set up at Festival
- NOTE: Late entries will not be permitted
ENTRY FEE: $10 for each design (must be received before the entry will be judged)
REQUIRED MATERIALS for each entry:
- Entry form - download it in Word or PDF format:
- Design statement (see details below)
Entries can be submitted via email or postal mail.
- EMAIL to [email protected] (please include BMI in the subject line). If emailing large files, you can upload them to Google Drive then share the link in your email.
- MAIL to TANYS, Attn: BMI, PO Box 4143, Rome, NY 13442
Qualifications for all entries (virtual or in-person)
- Membership: Each entry must be a design created for a TANYS Organizational Member company theatre production, or a design created by a TANYS individual member for use by a community theatre. The production does not need to have been adjudicated by TANYS.
- Timeframe: The production must have been staged between November 1 (previous year) and October 31 (current year).
- Entry format: Entries can be either virtual (submitted via email) or brought in-person to be displayed at Festival. Refer to the Virtual entry specifics and/or In-Person entry specifics below, and follow those guidelines, BEFORE submitting your entry.
- Design statement: Every entry must include a written design statement in which the designer states the objective and challenges of the design. The entrant must also share their concept, thought, and rationale for the design. The design statement must be less than 500 words.
- Sound entries should include a representative audio file that can be played on a PC laptop.
Virtual entry specifics
- Every virtual entry must include photos and/or videos of the design as it was originally presented. Example: a costumed actor on a set rather than an actor in the dressing room.
- Close-up photos of details are encouraged as needed to effectively show your work.
- Photos and/or videos must be submitted in one of the following file formats: JPG, PNG, PDF, PPT, DOC/DOCX, MP4, MOV
- No more than 10 photos per entry.
- Videos must be less than 4 minutes long.
- No more than 15 slides in PowerPoint entries.

In-Person entry specifics
- Entry CANNOT be larger than 3’ x 30”. Due to limited display space, we may not be able to honor requests for extra space.
- We encourage a pleasing presentation of the design entry. Entries should include anything that will help the adjudicator “visualize” the design. Photos of the entry as used in the original production are encouraged.
- Entry must be fully set up at the Festival no later than 10AM on Saturday (preferably on Friday).
- The entrant or representative is responsible for transporting and setting up the display at Festival. They are also responsible for removing the display at the Festival conclusion on Sunday afternoon.
Adjudication Notes
- The BMI Design Competition adjudicator will have sole responsibility for the interpretation of these criteria and their execution.
- All entries will receive written feedback from the adjudicator on the design.
- The decisions of the adjudicator will be final.
- The adjudicator will announce the results of the competition in a short ceremony at the time indicated on the Festival schedule. In order to attend the award ceremony, the designer or a representative must be registered for that particular Performance Session.
- Awards will be determined by the BMI Design Competition adjudicator.
- A $100 award will be given for the Best Overall Design.
- One or more $25 awards may be given at the adjudicator's discretion for Best Design in a category.
- Certificates of Merit will be created and mailed to all BMI Design Competition winners.
For further information, contact: